Porsche 356 No. 1 - The Story - Englische Ausgabe
Porsche Museum
Porsche 356 No. 1 - The Story - Englische Ausgabe

ISBN: 978-3-613-32157-1
Titel-Nr.: 32157
Einband: gebunden
Seitenzahl: 260
Abbildungen: 300 Bilder
Format: 240mm x 305mm
Erschienen: 11/2023
Preis: 59.00 €
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The 356 "Number 1" is a dream car par excellence: With it, Ferry Porsche fulfills his long-cherished wish of having his own first sports car in 1948. It was not only the design of the aluminum body that became a model. The ideals of driving dynamics and lightweight construction also consistently form the foundation of the brand identity: genes of the 356 "Number 1" can still be found in every Porsche today. The story of the roadster is as unique as the prototype itself. With photographs and documents, some of which have never been published before, this book traces the turbulent life of the Porsche brand's first sports car from the very first design drawing.


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